Room 4 - Rūma 4

Reading, Writing & Maths
In Room 4 children learn numeracy skills in the morning block from 9.30 to 10.30am. The essential Numeracy skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are modelled with children, as well as measurement, geometry and statistics skills. Children are encouraged to work cooperatively and receive plenty of focused teacher time to develop and extend their mathematical knowledge.
Our literacy sessions run from 11am to 12.30pm. In this time we cover reading, writing and inquiry learning. Our year 7 and 8 children also engage in novel studies where they can explore their reading passions in small groups and independently.

Alphabet Research
Every term year 7 and 8 students complete some alphabet research - self-directed home learning about a topic of their choice.
Some of the projects completed this year are:
Famous Scientists
Wellington Hurricanes and Phoenix
Famous Ballerinas

Afternoon Sessions
Afternoon sessions consist of te reo Maori, religious education, inquiry, science and physical education sessions. The intermediate programme for the Year 7 and 8s runs on Friday afternoon. Children also have a weekly coding session. Te Reo is interwoven through our daily classroom programme including Literacy, Religious Education and inquiry learning. For inquiry learning, children research and work on topic based activities and projects - this can include science lessons. In Room 4 we use an inquiry research tool known as Workspace. Workspace enables the children to research projects using clips, Google slides and information documents.

Sports & Exercise
Room 4 has a weekly physical education session - usually held on Thursdays. We also have a hall so we can still run our Physical Education lessons even if it is raining outside! We have also taken part in coaching sessions for floorball, handball, badminton and ki o rahi at the ASB Sports Centre. In Term 4 we attend the Kilbirnie Aquatic Centre and take part in activities such as kayaking, diving, snorkeling and water safety.
Through out the year we have the opportunity to join the Southern Zone competitions for athletics, swimming, cross-country and cricket.

Every Wednesday afternoon our year 7 and 8 students head to Mt Cook school. Each term they work through a range of different activities including cooking, sewing, film making, programming, woodwork and design.

Sharing our Skills
We love to get out in the community and share our skills. Our year 6 students regularly visit local pre-schools and read to the youngsters.